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The Ikoro Forum is an association of like-minded Igbos that is headquartered in Berlin, Germany.
Our goals include scientific & social research, publication, organization of seminars, and promotion of the Igbos.
Membership is open to all Igbos around the world.
We seek to identify factors that hinder the progress of the Igbos wherever they are.
A non-profit driven association that provides the members a digital village square where the IKORO summons every Nwa Igbo, every daughter and son of Igbo extraction, home and in diaspora to form an imagined assembly, and jointly find answers to pertinent questions and solutions to pressing issues facing Ndi Igbo in Nigeria and in diaspora by examining and interrogating ourselves and our realities. We SWOT to analyse and understand the matters concerning Ndi Igbo today and for the future.
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Interested in collaborating with us as we strategize to proffer solutions to the challenges faced by the Igbos ?