The Ikoro Forum is an association of like-minded Igbos that is headquartered in Berlin, Germany. The Forum was formed in 2018 in response to the political, cultural and economic challenges that the Igbos were facing and continue to face in today’s Nigeria.
Membership is open to all Igbos around the world. The Forum is a non-profit organization whose goals include scientific and social research, publication as well as the organization of seminars, networking with other associations of the Igbo stock and the promotion of the Igbos.
The Forum’s approach will be multifaceted, and will encompass creating awareness for the current situation of the Igbos in Nigeria and the Diaspora. The Forum will seek to identify factors that hinder the progress of the Igbos. It shall demonstrate solidarity with Igbos in their quest for peace and justice in regard to political, economic and social developments.
Beyond these, the Forum will endeavour to be a mouthpiece for the marginalized in the society, providing crucial information and defending human rights, where this applies.
As an association duly registered in Germany, the Forum not only depends on membership fees and dues for its sustainment, but also from subventions, donations and also non-financial instruments like international conferences, symposia and seminars. These will be supplemented by presentations and publishing activities.